Friday, December 7, 2012

Author and Attorney visits the dentist!

Author, and noted Bay Area Attorney, Rob Waring visits the dentist!  Dr. Presley-Nelson's very long time dental patient Rob Waring, was in the office the other evening and we all celebrated his book, UPSIDE DOWN: THE PARADOXES OF GENDER IN THE 21ST CENTURY. This is a must read for those interested in women’s future role in our society. Mr. Waring works as an attorney to protect the welfare of foster children in the Bay Area. We are proud of all our accomplished and precious dental patients and enjoy seeing each and every one of you.

Check out more on Mr. Waring's book on Amazon: Click here.


  1. A nice smile is often better than a witty rejoinder. Thanks Doc!

  2. But a good rejoinder has merit. I was fortunate to have the NY Times give me a forum.
